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-Incubation: For Idea Stage Millet Startups / Millet Startups

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– For Prototype based Millet Startups / Startups with Proof of Concept

– Incubation

– Training  , Mentorship , Global Networking

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-For Minimum Viable Millet Startups to Scale up Incubation

– Support Accelerate the small startups.

– Translation of minimum viable product to marketable

– Scale-up product and business

– Training  , Mentorship , Global Networking

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We synergise with several organisations


For Academical  – Incubational

Nurture potential Agriprenuers, by providing training cum internship to students

with  startups

Create a pipeline of Young Agriprenuers

Pursue innovative ideas and to make entrepreneurship a career option

Internships with established startups for real time experience of agribusiness

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For Growth Stage Of Viable Millet Startups

Accelerate the small startups

Translation of minimum viable product to marketable and scale-up product and business

The Selected incubates will be provided incubation and seed stage funding & growth funding

Target : National & International Applicants

Indian Companies/ Indian Subsidiaries of MNC’s/ Foreign Companies all can access

To support incubates to launch their products/services/business platforms etc. into the market/attract investments from  angel/venture capitalists or taking loans from commercial banks/ financial institutions and help them to scale up their operations as well as to attain business viability at a faster pace

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